Environmentally Friendly + Sustainability

As the world becomes more aware of the impact of human activities on the environment, the importance of sustainability and being environmentally friendly has gained significant attention. But why is it so important? In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why sustainability and environmentally practices should be a top priority for individuals, businesses, and governments.
What are Environmentally Friendly Practices?
Environmentally friendly practices mean a person or company seeks to make their operations as good for the planet as they can. This can include reusable or recyclable packaging, as well as many other behind-the-scenes factors.
What are sustainable practices?
Sustainable practices are based off of knowing that resources are finite, and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and consequences of the ways in which resources are used. For many, this means using less wasteful products, and finding a way to minimize the items that are not in high supply.
How do these apply at leaf + marble?
Here at leaf + marble, we are very environmentally conscious. We ensure that suppliers follow sustainability practices, as well order in bulk to ensure we get most of our needed items together, rather than having numerous small orders. We also prefer buying from companies that have reusable and recyclable packaging. In terms of our products, we try to minimize waste as often as possible. For some items, this is difficult and we are unable to use the most environmentally friendly versions, but we try to ensure that all of our packaging can be reused or recycled. For cosmetic products, we have selected a glass packaging that can be cleaned out and reused when your products are gone. Our boxes can be recycled, and we use paper to protect items whenever possible, as this can also be recycled. In our work space, everything that CAN be recycled, gets recycled. If an item can be reused in a different way, we save it in a box for future use. We strive to create products that can be used long-term, and offer sample sizes for many items so you can easily test the product before committing to a larger size.
We also test one product of each batch, to ensure that it works as desired and is safe for use, though our products have not been evaluated by the FDA. For my entire life, I have been taught the importance of reduce, reuse, and recycle, and I am such a large stickler for it. My recycling bin is full every week, and I try to encourage others to reuse or recycle whenever they can.
Ultimately, sustainability is about creating a better future for ourselves and future generations. By adopting sustainable practices, we can ensure that our planet remains habitable and that future generations have access to the resources they need to thrive. It is our responsibility to take action now and make sustainable choices in our daily lives, businesses, and policies. If you place an order, please reuse or recycle your packaging, we would appreciate it!