Why Supporting Small Businesses is Important
What is a Handmade Small Businesses?
Simply put, a handmade small business is usually an individual, or a very small group of individuals who have decided to start a business selling handmade products. These products can range from knitting, crochet, candles, cosmetics, toys, pens, artwork, jewelry, and many many more.
Why shop at small businesses?
Shopping at small businesses makes a difference in one individual's life. Big companies may be able to offer lower prices and free shipping, but small businesses are usually run by an individual who wants to build a community. This may be done by getting to know their customers, or giving back to their community. Small businesses will notice when you place an order (or multiple! We always remember and appreciate return customers). Small business owners get excited when an order comes through, and often times it means that a family can buy more at the grocery store, or pay off a bill they had been stressing over. Shopping handmade from small businesses means supporting an individual's dreams, and getting a high-quality product in return.
If shopping small is important, why is it more expensive?
This is a question many people ask, and can often times be a deterrent from turning a visitor into a customer. Small businesses have a higher overhead than large companies. It is not as easy for us to source products at a low enough price to still turn a profit. Many small businesses also look for more eco-friendly options throughout different aspects of their business, and these products are not cheap, even when bought in bulk. Many small businesses do not offer free shipping, and that is because of the cost of shipping. While $5-$7 domestically does not seem like much, with various fees and expenses of running a business, an item may need to cost $10-$15 more to accommodate free shipping, and it can be a personal choice to not set prices that high.
There are many factors that play into individual product prices. Here at leaf + marble, my profit margin is between 1 and 20%, depending on the item and similar items. Items are priced by cost of materials, cost of packaging (jar, box, tissue paper, bubble wrap, shipping label, paper, etc), card processing fees, domain and website costs, and time. Most items do not yield a high-profit, because I want to share my creations with the world, and it is hard to set a high profit margin for me, as I do not want to oversell myself. Eventually, I know many product prices will need to increase, but right now I just need to clear out some inventory/spare materials, and cover a few bills. When my prices do increase, it will not only be for profit, but for charitable giving as well.
What is running a small business like?
Running a small business is hard work. For many people, a small business starts out as a side project to earn a little extra income. This can turn into going to work, and then coming home to work on products or events for your business. It can be many days of little sleep trying to get posts ready or products finished. It means spending hours making items, or sourcing products that fit the look the maker is going for. Countless hours taking photos and trying to come up with a captivating description, and even more hours trying to promote your products in hopes that someone out in the world will give you a chance. Some individuals run their business due to needing income, some jump into their business full-time. With any option or business structure, there is a lot of hard work, anxiety, and what-ifs.
How do things differ from big companies?
A small business usually spends more money and time on sourcing products and creating an end result that they are proud to show off. The excitement when someone trusts you enough to place an order cannot be expressed properly. We notice all views, likes, comments, and shares of our social media posts. We scream and dance when an order comes through, and usually try to ship within 48 hours for ready-made products. We cannot compare with the cheap prices and fast shipping from large companies, but everything we do has so much joy and love put into it, that it is worth the stress and frustration of running a small business.
How can I support small businesses?
While businesses need to make sales to stay open, that is not the only way to support a small business. Following, liking, commenting, and sharing their social media posts are completely free ways to support, and can help expose more people to them, which can be beneficial in the long run. If you have placed an order, share it on social media, or consider leaving a review on their site or the platform you bought from them. Reviews help businesses get feedback, as well as show others what you thought of the product. This only takes a minute, but is so beneficial. Thank you for making the choice to shop small!
1 comment
This is a great article and really speaks to the value of supporting small business that so few really understand!